eucalyptus leaves white vase

Calm the storm, find your peace.

Anxiety Therapy in Northborough


Anxiety and worry are overwhelming you

You’re constantly worrying. You can’t get to sleep or you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep because your mind won’t stop racing. You’re restless, irritable, you can’t relax, and you can’t stay focused on anything. You find yourself overthinking what could be simple scenarios. You’re overwhelmed by everything and you want to avoid it all. Maybe things have progressed to the point that you’re experiencing panic attacks with all the fixings – short-of-breath, racing heart, and feeling out of control or like you’re going to die.

You’re having trouble getting work accomplished or keeping track of things. You’re snapping at your kids or loved ones because it seems like everything annoys you. You’re tired and sleep-deprived and it’s taking a toll on you physically. Headaches, upset stomach, tense muscles – these have become part of your day-to-day existence. You feel “off” and everything feels like it’s an emergency. Living like this is exhausting.

You’re ready for something different.

How therapy for anxiety can help

Imagine if you could…

  • Conquer tasks that have been weighing on you: Focus more clearly and feel less overwhelmed by what’s before you.

  • Reduce tension and experience peace at home or at work: Communicate more effectively with family, friends, and colleagues.

  • Feel more confident: Get through previously challenging parts of your life. 

  • Participate in life without debilitating distress: Stop avoiding social situations, traveling, or medical procedures.

Anxiety is primarily addressed through a combination of acceptance of the experience of emotions and gradual exposure to feared situations

Together, we will explore the way you experience anxiety. If there are specific triggers of anxiety or worry, we will identify what they are and when you are affected by them. Learning about the purpose and function of anxiety will allow us to move towards greater acceptance of the emotional experience. 

Part of that acceptance involved discovering effective ways to minimize the power and impact of the emotion without becoming overwhelmed by it. We can also discuss how unhelpful automatic thoughts can contribute to anxiety and gain perspective by learning how to reframe those thoughts. 

For specific phobias and fears, we will name any potential “safety behaviors” that contribute to avoidance and develop a plan for gradual exposure to identified triggers. Through this process, you will begin to develop confidence in your ability to face increasingly difficult anxiety-provoking situations.

Anxiety therapy for

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

  • Social anxiety

  • Specific phobias

  • ADHD  & anxiety

  • Addiction & anxiety

Therapy for anxiety can help you…

  • Reduce stress

  • Improve relationships

  • Increase self-confidence

  • Face your fears

  • Develop emotional acceptance skills

Frequently asked questions about anxiety therapy


  • Not necessarily. Everyone experiences anxiety to some degree but those with anxiety disorders experience it more frequently, persistently, and intensely. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, panic disorder, and unspecified anxiety disorder. Whether or not you meet criteria for a disorder depends on the extent to which the symptoms cause you distress and interfere with your functioning. Learn more.

  • No, your anxiety will not disappear altogether. However, you will learn to be able to tolerate anxiety and lessen its impact enough to be able to experience your life fully. Managing anxiety can help you address areas of your life you may have been avoiding and allow you to better take care of yourself and those you value. Learn more.

  • Schedule a free phone consultation where I can answer any further questions you might have and we can move forward from there if you’re ready to book an initial appointment.

 Stop worrying & start living