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Rediscover yourself in recovery.

Addiction Therapy in Northborough

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Addiction doesn’t have to control your life anymore

You’ve realized you’re drinking or getting high more than you planned to and more than you want to but don’t know how to stop. The shame of addiction is dragging you down and you’re too embarrassed to admit you “have a problem.” People in your life who you know care about you are concerned and want to offer help but what they’re offering just isn’t what you think you need. 

You might be numbing how you feel about letting things get to this point and not being able to change. 

Maybe someone else thinks your using or drinking is a problem and as much as you’d rather just get them off your back, there’s a part of you that’s starting to agree and wonder what you can do about it.

Reach out today


Addiction can show up in your life in many ways. 

Your use might be starting to affect your work and you’re getting feedback that you’re not meeting expectations. You’re dropping the ball and missing out on opportunities to advance. You’re waking up hungover and not accomplishing as much as you planned – but still end up in the bottom of a bottle by the end of the night. 

Your relationships are starting to suffer because of your actions. Your spouse has just about had it but is helpless to do anything to change you. You’re getting into arguments or feeling increasingly disconnected. You’re worried it might be affecting your parenting – your children don’t know which version of you is going to show up today. 

Your life has started to revolve around drinking or using. You think about stopping but can’t imagine life without using. You’re not even enjoying it anymore but can’t think of anything else to do.

How therapy works

Addiction Recovery is Possible

What if you could wake up in the morning and feel good about yourself? What if you could follow through on commitments you made and be seen as reliable once more? What if you could be fully present as a partner or a parent for those that you love in your life?

The road to recovery looks different for everyone, just like the addiction itself shows up in a variety of ways. You might not be looking to be completely abstinent and would like to find a way to moderate your use in a way that feels good to you. Or you’ve already gone down that road too many times and realize you need to stop for good. 

Regardless of where you are in your journey, we can work together to identify your goals and get moving.

We will identify the triggers that precede your use or behavior and be on the look-out for high-risk situations in your life. When urges or cravings come up, we’ll find new ways to manage them that won’t lead you right back to where you started. We’ll also explore other ways to address the needs you are trying to meet through your use or behavior.

If you have anxiety, depression, trauma, or ADHD, we’ll make a plan to manage and address those challenges, as well.  If you’re self-medicating, we can work collaboratively with medical professionals to find the correct medications for you.

We will discover the strength of your support system and build on it. You’ll rediscover the joy of participating in activities without the fog of intoxication and learn new ways to have fun. 

Addiction therapy for

I offer addiction therapy for early recovery as well as for those in long-term recovery and to family members of individuals struggling with addiction.

I’m experienced in working with:

  • Alcohol 

  • Marijuana (Cannabis)

  • Opioids (Oxycontin, Heroin, Fentanyl)

  • Cocaine

  • Stimulants

Addiction therapy can help you…

  • Gain clarity regarding your life goals and the energy to move towards them

  • Identify and manage high-risk situations that can challenge your recovery

  • Improve your performance at work and productivity at home

  • Reconnect with yourself and others in a new way

  • Discover ways to participate in activities and enjoy your life

  • Develop skills to manage your emotions

  • Accept yourself as you are

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Frequently asked questions about ADDICTION therapy


  • I work with clients to explore their goals, be it abstinence or harm reduction. You may have tried to cut back on your own multiple times but have not been successful – you are likely a candidate for an abstinence-based approach. Or perhaps you just realized that your use is problematic but it isn’t yet something you’re ready to quit entirely. We can work together to reduce the harm from your use or behavior and identify ways in which reducing your use could improve progress towards your goals. Learn more.

  • Relapse can often be an exit ramp off the road to recovery but it doesn’t mean you need to quit the journey altogether – and neither will I. We can reevaluate areas in your life where you could benefit from greater support and learn from the relapse how best to move forward. Learn more.

  • Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are peer-recovery support groups with a long history of success but this approach does not necessarily work for everyone. I do not guide clients through the 12 Steps as a sponsor would but am open to discussing how you might be experiencing the process.

    I also recommend SMART Recovery as another peer-based support group that is facilitated by individuals in recovery and utilizes tools from evidence-based treatments. Learn more.

  • Schedule a free phone or video consultation where I can answer any further questions you might have and we can move forward from there if you’re ready to book an initial appointment.

Addiction recovery is within your reach – let’s get you there together.


Addiction Therapy in Northborough, MA

130 Main St Building 2 Suite D, Northborough, MA 01532